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Art and social challenges

Learn art techniques to create visuals that engage audiences

What’s on offer?

In a world defined by serious and pressing social challenges, how do we go about communicating when words are not enough? This workshop is a collaboration between academics and artist and practitioner Joanna Mamede. All materials provide and no experience necessary!

What’s it about?

In this workshop, facilitated by artist and practitioner Joanna Mamede of the Face in the Hole art collective, participants will learn about the many ways that art has been used to bridge the gap when words won’t suffice. They will have a chance to learn some of the practical skills needed when using art to address serious social issues before having the opportunity to apply these skills to their own work on a topic of their choice.

The final works will be displayed with the ‘Art for a Better World’ exhibition at the Foundry Social Justice and Human Rights Centre (17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR). Participants will also have priority access to the exhibition’s public reception event on 14th November.

This workshop is aimed at students, activists and early career researchers who are keen to expand the reach of their ideas by harnessing the medium of art to convey big ideas. No previous experience is required, only enthusiasm to engage with the possibilities.

All artistic materials and lunch will be provided free for workshop participants.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Victoria Hudson (King's College London)

Dr Natasha Kuhrt (King's College London)

Dr Precious Chatteje-Doody (Open University)

Open to

Young people aged 16-25

Of particular interest to

Students, activists and early career researchers 

Scheduling information

The works created at this workshop will join the exhibition of professionally created ‘Art for a Better World’ being displayed at the Foundry, 6-15th November, including an end of exhibition reception on 14th November, 5:30-7pm.

Event booking deadline

10pm, 9 November 2024