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Art for a Better World

Celebrate art and artists that bring challenging social themes to wider audiences

What’s on offer?

Academic researchers spend their careers working on big social problems, but can struggle to communicate their work to everyone else. Artists often engage the general public in topical issues, but without access to the latest research.

What could they achieve by working together?

What’s it about?

In this exhibition, you can see a series of cartoons that were produced in a competition run by The Open University, King’s College London and the Philippine cartoon collective Pitik Bulag. The competition paired up academics and artists from around the world to turn the latest research into art.

The exhibition also contains a range of mixed media works produced by participants in our ESRC Festival of Social Sciences workshop, ‘Art and Social Challenges’.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Victoria Hudson (King's College London, Department of Defence Studies)

Dr Precious Chatterje-Doody (OU)

Dr Natasha Kuhrt (King's College London, Department of War Studies)

Open to

Open to all

Of particular interest to

Open to all

Scheduling information

The exhibition will run from 6th-15th November, however the main focal point will be the closing reception on 14th November, 5:30-7pm.