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Beyond Calling? Addressing the demands of modern ministry

Stained glass windows in a cathedral

Professional audiences

What’s on offer?

An opportunity for clergy to come together to discover the latest social science research insights, share experiences, learn new strategies and generate ideas to address demands and wellbeing in the Church of England.

What’s it about?

This one-day face-to-face workshop provides a space away from parish and other duties, independent of the Church, where clergy can connect with peers in a supportive environment. Short research presentations from social science researchers, who have all been involved in wellbeing projects with clergy, will act as triggers for debate in small group discussions around issues such as invisible work, digital technologies, managing boundaries and support. Using various creative methods, these discussions will generate techniques to help with managing demands that clergy can implement directly and immediately for themselves but will also stimulate more general ideas for change to be fed back to the wider Church.

Who’s leading the event?

  • Professor Gillian Symon, Organizational Psychologist, Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Dr Rebecca Whiting, Organizational Psychologist, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Dr Rebecca Taylor, Work Sociologist, Southampton University

Open to

Clergy in the Church of England from Curates to Area Deans who are or have recently been practising priests or priests-in-training.

Of particular interest to

Clergy in the Church of England from Curates to Area Deans who are or have recently been practising priests or priests-in-training.

Event Booking details

Spaces in the workshop are limited. Please contact if you are an Anglican priest or priest-in-training who is interested in attending.

Scheduling information

The workshop will run from 10.30 until 16.30 on Thursday 24th October with coffee/tea and lunch provided. If it is not possible to attend for the full day, morning- or afternoon-only attendance is possible, please contact

Event booking deadline

21 October 2024