‘Celebrate Science’ is here again! Children of all ages can visit the marquee on Palace Green, the heart of Durham’s World Heritage Site, to carry out amazing experiments, participate in astonishing hands-on activities and create their very own inventions! With a great range of practical activities designed to appeal to all the family, ‘Celebrate Science’ makes a great half-term day out. Explore a wide variety of applications of science in our everyday lives and the awesome beauty of the natural world. Our team of volunteers are on hand throughout the event to chat about everything from skeletons to the stars!
Celebrate Science is a FREE public science festival: three fun-packed and fascinating days of children’s activities and experiments celebrating science! A wide range of science themed activities will be taking place, including shining light on deadly diseases, exploring the night sky and optical illusions. Children will be invited to carry out amazing experiments, participate in astonishing hands-on activities and create their very own inventions, with Durham University experts on hand to chat to visitors about everything from skeletons to the stars!
The aim of the event is to stimulate interest in science, encourage engagement in science, and build the science capital of local families.
The event takes place over 3 consecutive days during the local schools’ October half-term (Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st October 2024), and is open to the public 10am – 4pm each day. Based on previous Celebrate Science events, we expect increased footfall at Palace Green and other Durham University Visitor Attractions.
Faculty of Science - Durham University
Children & Families
Children & Families
No booking required. More info here
10am - 4pm each day of the event