This event will showcase a series of short films produced by Bertha Park High School, Perth, Scotland students, exploring the themes of clothing acquisition, use and disposal and the need to reduce our consumption of clothing and transition to clothing circularity. Dr Lynn Wilson has provided support through a series of in-person and prerecorded learning sessions that explain the problems and solutions to reduce our clothing consumption. The event is a hybrid event, that includes a student-curated panel discussion about their experiences of clothing consumption, followed by a world premiere of the students’ films, written, filmed and edited by the students and staff in the school. The event will be promoted through national secondary school networks, which can engage up to 200 S3 students and teaching staff in the UK. In-person film showings will be held for parents and friends.
The event highlights social research as a tool to investigate particular societal behaviours and how by learning about our current clothing behaviours and their negative impact on the planet, we can begin to understand how to do things differently and consume less.
The event lead is Dr Lynn Wilson, a social researcher in collaboration with Principal Career Guidance teacher, Katrina Cuthbertson, Bertha Park High School.
The target audience for this event is secondary school students and staff in Scotland and throughout the UK. It is hoped that schools will sign up in advance as the University of Glasgow will host the event online. In-person, audience will include school students, parents and friends of the school and catchment area.
Students interested in learning more about Circular economy