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Co-Creating Digital Futures with Older Adults

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

The event is focused on two key topics:

Digital Barriers – What are the challenges to digital lives for older adults and are there particular barriers around specific technologies – including but not limited to AI.

Digital Imaginations – What are the ways that older people imagine their digital futures?

We will celebrate older people’s digital lives through content creators such as the Elders of Newcastle Newsletter / Instagram content creators / Older Adult Radio Presenters.

We are particularly interested in self-expression as well as other forms of digital participation.

It will be an online event and there will be short presentations / provocations and opportunities for discussions and questions from the online audience.

What’s it about?

This event ‘co-creating digital futures with older adults’ is an opportunity to be inspired by digitally engaged older adults and to consider what an age-inclusive digital future might look like. Whilst also acknowledging and discussing the challenges of digital participation for (some) older adults.

The event will have two themes – Digital Barriers and Digital Imaginaries through which we will explore older content creators’ real life experiences and future wishes. We will also present provocations for audience engagement and participation.

Throughout the event we will highlight co-production approaches to social research on this topic and discuss methods for ensuring co-produced and collaborative approaches to creating digital futures.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Sarah Campbell, Senior Lecturer, Integrated Health and Social Care, Manchester Metropolitan University/ PAAR-net COST Action Older Co-Creators Co-ordinator

Dr Arlind Reuter, Post Doctoral Fellow, Lund University, PAAR-net COST Action

Professor Eleanor Bantry-White, University College Cork / PAAR-net COST Action 

Please see our knowledge exchange project: - Participatory Approaches with Older Adults.

Dr Annabel Latham, Senior Lecturer – Computer Science, Manchester Metropolitan University

Later Life Audio Radio Co-operative (LLARC)

Louise Wong, Manchester Resident and All FM 96.9 Radio Station Chinese Shows Presenter.

Elders Council of Newcastle

Open to

Older adults who are interested in digital futures and are already engaged in making content or involved in digital projects.

Older adults who have found the move to digital lives challenging and who would like to discuss opportunities for approaches to improve inclusion for older adults in the digital world.

Anyone who works within the digital and technology field from the perspective of design, utilisation, research who would like to understand more about the needs and interests of older users.

Researchers and students within ageing disciplines who are interested in understanding ‘digital futures’ and the opportunities and barriers for older adults

Of particular interest to

Older adults who are interested in digital futures and are already engaged in making content or involved in digital projects.

Older adults who have found the move to digital lives challenging and who would like to discuss opportunities for approaches to improve inclusion for older adults in the digital world.

Anyone who works within the digital and technology field from the perspective of design, utilisation, research who would like to understand more about the needs and interests of older users.

Researchers and students within ageing disciplines who are interested in understanding ‘digital futures’ and the opportunities and barriers for older adults.

Third sector organisation and researchers working on ageing issues

Anyone interested in imagining an age-inclusive digital future.