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Co-production of Digital Literacy Knowledge with Young People

Drawing of children looking at social media

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

The key objective of this event is to launch 3 picture books on key digital literacy topics (Social Media, Safety and Privacy, and Digital Footprint) that were co-produced for and with a group of primary school children in county Durham.

Come along to learn more about the project, gain access to the books and learn how these can be used with children within and beyond the classroom.

What’s it about?

The event aims to be a celebration of the work conducted with the children that were participants and co-producers of the Research England funded project: Co-production of digital cultural knowledge with primary school children: fostering early digital literacy development. 
The event is also an opportunity to disseminate the work to other audiences who may interested in using the books (council, (head)teachers, parents).

The event will start with a brief introduction to the project, followed by the presentation and reading of the three picture books by their co-authors (the children). 

The event will then follow with a series of interactive activities that the audience can engage with on their own. These activities are related to the thematic of the books and take the shape of board games, crossroads, etc. These activities are resources that have been developed to work alongside the books and which can be downloaded for use at home and in schools.

The picture books have a strong educative element to them, promoting points of reflection and dialogue and provide guidance to adults on how they can be used in the home or in school. They promote a proactive way to engage with such thematic through a research informed approach on how to be proactively safe and savvy when online. 

This topic is relevant to all ages. Given the nature of the resources, we are particularly targeting it at young people, teachers and student-teachers, and parents

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Cristina Costa (School of Education - Durham University), ALP Trust, Moorside Primary Academy - Consett

Open to


Of particular interest to

Families & Children
Teachers and Parents, also people in the council who are interested in the project