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Health Bytes: Getting Digitally Fit

A Community Conversation on Digital Health Tools

Hand holding a mobile phone with apps visible on screen

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

Interactive in-person training sessions delivered by Reaching People volunteers to teach participants about using the NHS App, GP online services and how to access NHS health information. Each session includes time for attendees to work through the material in smaller groups, gain the skills to register for the NHS App and use the App at the end of the session.

Interactive Discussions - participants will engage in discussions about how digital health literacy impacts various aspects of wellbeing, including mental health, physical health, and social connectivity. These discussions will help participants understand the broader implications of digital literacy on their overall quality of life.

What’s it about?

Would you like to know how to navigate the NHS app, GP online services and access your health information without ringing and asking your surgery?

We will begin the session by showing you how to register on the NHS app using your smartphone, to order repeat prescriptions, book and manage appointments, get health information and advice, view your health record securely and view your NHS number.

This will be followed by smaller group sessions, offering one-to-one support with a volunteer from Reaching People for you to ask any questions and be shown the different pages of the app. Over a cup of tea, we will talk about how digital health literacy impacts your wellbeing, including mental health, physical health and social connectivity leading to better overall quality of life.

We will also show you where to find the How to Use the NHS App YouTube videos in English, Hindi and Gujarati. There will be a Gujarati speaking translator on hand throughout the workshop for people whose first language is not English.

For many using the NHS App is information overload and we hope your participation will encourage you to be more digitally savvy and gain the skills to be able to access NHS services online.

Who’s leading the event?

Community Engagement Team from the Centre for Ethnic Health Research will be leading the event. Volunteers from the charity Reaching People will help to deliver training session on digital tools.

Open to

This event is open to all (aged 18+)

Of particular interest to

The sessions will be of particular interest to those with limited skills and knowledge of health literacy

Event Booking details

Places for this event can be booked through the link at the top of the page

Scheduling information

This event will be repeated over three sesssions: 

Tuesday 22 October 2024: 10am-12pm African Caribbean Centre, Maidstone Road, Leicester LE2 0UA

Tuesday 5 November 2024:  10am-12pm Women4Change, 6 Manitoba Road, Leicester, LE1 2FT

Wednesday 6 November 2024: 10am-12pm Belgrave Neighbourhood Housing Coop Association, 131 Loughborough Road, Leicester LE4 5LQ