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Moving People, Moving Pictures: Representations of Migration on Screen: Crossing Over (18)

(Free Screening)

Cinema film cassettes

What’s on offer?

Each film will be preceded by a brief introduction, and followed by a 20-minute discussion / Q&A with University of Leicester experts in which members of the audience will be welcome to participate.

What’s it about?

The University of Leicester’s Migration, Mobility and Citizenship Network (MMCN) is partnering with Phoenix cinema to bring you three excellent films paired with discussion of how they represent different aspects of international migration and the migrant experience on the screen. After each screening there will be a reflection on the film by a member of the MMCN and an opportunity for audience discussion on the migration-related issues raised by each film.

Event programme:

Dirty Pretty Things (15) Screening at 7.45pm on Monday 21 October.   Written by Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight, Dirty Pretty Things depicts the challenges facing asylum seekers and irregular migrants in early 2000s Britain.

Crossing Over (18) Screening at 7pm on Tuesday 29 October.  Starring Harrison Ford and Ray Liotta, Crossing Over  illustrates the experiences of irregular migrants of different nationalities in a post-9/11 US.

The Farewell (PG) Screening at 6.15pm on Monday 4 November.  The Golden Globe-winning 'The Farewell'  focuses on a Chinese-American family to illustrate the immigrant experience of straddling two cultures.

Who’s leading the event?

The event is led by Alan Desmond, Associate Professor at Leicester Law School, where he runs Reel Law, the Law School film club for staff and students. Alan’s research focuses on the protection of migrants in international human rights law. He is a member of the University’s Migration, Mobility and Citizenship Network (MMCN) and editor of the Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law (@ImmLawJournal). Alan will be joined for discussion of the films by MMCN colleagues including Dr Milena Rizzotti, lecturer at the School of Criminology, Dr Yan Ying, Associate Professor at the School of Arts and Dr Zalfa Feghali, Associate Professor at the School of Arts.

Partner organisation: Phoenix, Leicester’s Independent Cinema, Art Centre and Café Bar

Open to

Everyone is welcome to attend. Please be aware that the films shown have age classifications.

Of particular interest to

The films screened as part of this series will appeal to anyone interested in the phenomenon of migration and the complex array of issues it raises, from the personal to the political, from the national to the international.