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Fat Around the Middle

Fat Rights, Health and Disability Justice: A panel and workshop

A photograph of several books on a table with the titles 'Fat Activism,' 'A Queer and Trans Fat Activist Timeflow' and 'Fat Girl in a Black Body.'

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

A panel discussion and interactive workshop to bring together activists, those interested in fat rights and fat studies and people of lived experience to share knowledge, expertise and experience on the topic of Fat Flourishing. With Dr Helen Jones (Coventry University), community researcher Carys Hill, comunity researcher Robin Jakumeit, community activist Lindsey Scott and dietitian Dr Lucy Aphramor.

What’s it about?

An inclusive, accessible event focused on fat rights, activism and disability and health justice, with a panel followed by questions and small-group disussion.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Helen Jones and Dr Lucy Aphramor

Open to

Young people (16+) and adults

Of particular interest to

Fat activists

Disability justice activists


Healthcare practitioners 

Event booking deadline

24 hours before