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Transport Experience in the Virtual World

View from car through windscreen

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

Interested in simulation? Would you like to learn more about road safety research or experience driving a simulated car or truck or walking in a simulated environment? If the answer is yes, then this event is for you! 

Join us to experience different modes of transport in a virtual environment after a short overview of our work. As part of the Festival of Social Sciences, our team at Virtuocity, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds are offering an interactive tour of the research facility where you will have the opportunity to use our driver, pedestrian and truck simulators as well as virtual reality headsets. During this tour, you will experience cutting-edge technology and research in transport and road safety.


What’s it about?

As part of the event, you will be uncovering the cutting-edge transport simulation taking place at Virtuocity, the University of Leeds' Institute for Transport Studies. During the event, you will be able to explore and experience different modes of transport and discover more about your role within the transport system, interactions with other road users and the future of automation. During the event, researchers will be on hand to answer your questions about research and technology in the field and understand how your behaviour interacts with transportation methods. 

The Virtuocity consists of a large motion-based driving simulator, an advanced commercial truck simulator and an immersive pedestrian simulator, forming a world-leading human-in-the-loop research facility. The simulators are developed and managed by a multi-disciplinary group of academic and technical staff from the Human Factors & Safety Research Group at the Institute for Transport Studies. Funded by UK and European government grants, industry and private organisations, the group studies the interaction of drivers and pedestrians with new technologies, typically before they are fully implemented on the road and in the vehicle. 

#Virtuocity #UniversityofLeeds @VirtuocityLeeds @HFS_ITSLeeds 


Who’s leading the event?

Dr İbrahim Öztürk, Research Fellow 

Open to

Adults over 18

Of particular interest to

Anyone who is interested about road safety and experience of driving either a car or truck

Scheduling information




Event booking deadline

6th November 2024