The event will take place at Gallery North at Northumbria University. The event will run for four hours from 11.00am -15.00pm on 21st October. The event will be repeated for a second time 26th October from 9.00am to 11.30am
The power of storytelling to enhance emotional wellbeing is well-documented in social science research. This interactive workshop will invite participants to explore the intersection of narrative, creativity, and self expression through the medium of paper crafting. Attendees will begin by reflecting personal stories or experiences they wish to write on the paper. Using a variety of colored textured papers, they will be taught to create birds out of these origami papers. By the end of the workshop participants will be asked to hang these crafted birds as a part of the installation and will be asked on how they related their stories to this workshop. Attendees will leave a tangible reminder of their creative journey and strategies for incorporating storytelling in their daily lives. I believe this interactive workshop would be a wonderful way to bring social science concepts of life and demonstrate their real-world applications in an engaging interdisciplinary manner.
Nazima Rangwala Kalita, A PHD Student At Northumbria University, (Leadership Rep).
Marginalised groups and the PGR student Community at Northumbria University. Other students and members of the public are also welcome if they want to share their story of wellbeing with us.
The event will be repeated for a second time 26th October from 9.00am to 11.30am