Digital Inheritance – What will happen to your digital photos, online music collections and digital cloud content when you pass away? Drop-in to our event to find out more, including how you may be able to make some choices known, either so loved ones have access or to protect your privacy.
10am-1pm, Lancaster Central Library, Market Square. Linked podcast also available.
Do you know if your loved ones can access your computer or mobile phone after you have died, or what happens to your social media or email accounts? Do you want your loved ones to inherit this digital content or do you want to protect your privacy? Join us to discover and explore what may happen to photographs stored on your computer or in the cloud, or to your carefully curated digital music collections. We will show you what can and cannot be inherited, and what steps you may be able to take to assist with the process of digital inheritance or to help future-proof your privacy.
It would be great to see you in person, but if you can't make it, we have also created a podcast exploring these issues which can be found on
The event is lead by Dr Sarah Gilmartin of the Lancaster University Law School
Public/ adults
Of particular interest to anyone who stores digital content on devices or in the cloud and who has not yet planned for how to ensure it is safeguarded and shared, or not, with relatives after death.
Drop in event any time between 10am and 1pm