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Find your tranquil routes

Tranquillity routes for pedestrians and cyclists in Southampton

Tranquil City Index map of Southampton.

What’s on offer?

Join us for a 15-minute talk, followed by an engaging Q&A session where we’ll explore dynamic route options based on your chosen starting and ending points. Your input will help shape the discussion, making it a fun and interactive experience for everyone!

What’s it about?

We want to help you find alternative city routes to your destination. These may not be the fastest, but they offer green spaces and a quieter environment to enhance your well-being!

Who’s leading the event?

Dr. Efstathios Margaritis (GIS Analyst in GeoData Institute) 

Open to

Anyone is welcome to attend 

Of particular interest to

All adults and families who use active modes of transport to move around the city. 

Event Booking details

Drop-in activity. Booking required for Arts and Humanities Day.

Scheduling information

Hosted as a part of University of Southampton's Hands-on Humanities Day. Find our more here.