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GEN-MIGRA: Migrant women’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic

Supporting migrant women and their families post-pandemic

African woman putting on a surgical mask

Professional audiences

What’s on offer?

The event will include the following activities:

Presentations from a panel of speakers (academic and representatives of voluntary sector) on the impact of the pandemic on migrant inequalities and migrant families in the UK and internationally (60 minutes).

Launch of a Policy and practice Briefing on supporting migrant women post-pandemic, with a presentation of summary recommendations (15 minutes);

Group discussion of implications of research findings for services and policy (60 minutes);

An open debate on how to improve multi-agency service delivery for migrant families in times of austerity (45 minutes).

What’s it about?

This event will bring together practitioners and policymakers working with migrant women through key services (third sector, education, healthcare) during the COVID-19 pandemic and also policy makers interested in service delivery for migrant groups.

Better service delivery and inclusion of marginalized groups are key issues on the current public sector agenda, especially post-COVID-19. Key services are under pressure to rationalise resources and yet sustain levels of service and improve service users’ experiences.

This event will present research carried out with migrant women in the UK and three other countries (Poland, Germany, Brazil) and the findings on the impact of the pandemic on migrant women’s work opportunities, health and well-being and family relationships.

Based on these findings, participants will be invited to consider implications for gender-informed service delivery and new policy development. We will also discuss what can be done to reduce gender inequalities in relation to migrant groups, post-Brexit post-pandemic.

Who’s leading the event?

Prof Daniela Sime, Professor of Youth, Migration and Social Justice, and Dr Emmaleena Käkelä, Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Strathclyde 

Open to

Practitioners working with migrant groups

Organisations supporting migrant families

Policy makers

Health and social care workers


Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to organisations working with migrant groups.

Scheduling information

In Person: 30th October, 2-5 pm

This event will also be run online, on 6th November, 1-4 pm


Event booking deadline

30th October 2024