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Searching for Dreamspace: An exploration of rest and imagination

Professional audiences

What’s on offer?

This practical workshop will use gentle creative activity and reflection to explore and play with our understanding and experience of rest and its relationship to imagination. Creative practitioners will lead participants in accessible and gentle creative work to support reflection on the idea of a Dreamspace and how we might find it in our work. Open to all with no experience required to take part.

This session seeks to explore how dreaming and rest might support our work. What does it mean to feel at ease or restful in work? At ease in ourselves and our environments? At ease despite discomfort or uncertainty? As a group we will explore the use of rest and ease as practices to access our imaginations and feel more creative. You can expect accessible, exploratory creative and rest activity, structured and supported discussion alongside personal reflection time. We should all leave this session feeling refreshed and inspired as to the potential and possibility of some dreamspace in our working lives.

This event will be of particular interest to anyone who has ever suffered from exhaustion, burn-out, fatigue or chronic illness or anyone interested in exploring how we challenge a productivity culture using creativity. 


What’s it about?

This session will explore rest as an underused resource to support our imaginations, creativity, and productivity.

What might rest look like in our working lives and what gets in the way? How do we feel safe enough to rest? Who has time to rest? Who can ‘claim’ rest time?

You can expect accessible, exploratory creative rest activity, structured and supported discussion alongside individual reflection time.

We should all leave this session feeling refreshed and inspired as to the potential and possibility of rest in our working lives.

Who’s leading the event?

Giovanni Biglino - Associate Professor in Bioengineering, Bristol Medical School 


Open to


Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to anyone who has ever suffered from exhaustion, burn-out, fatigue or chronic illnesses.

Or anyone interested in exploring how we challenge a productivity culture using creativity.