A movement snack is a short session of movement, designed to be easily accessible and encourage even small amounts of gentle movement during the day. These snacks are based on ‘somatic practices’ or activities that bring awareness to your body and mind. They are designed especially for those living with chronic pain, or working with them. It may also be suitable for those with reduced mobility, lack of access to in person activities, or working online. All are welcome.
We are running 3 x 30 minute movement snacks with different themes. Book one or all snacks! These will run in the morning and at lunchtime to break up the day with some gentle, accessible exercise and a chance to learn about moving with pain and to experience somatic practices. These snacks are also an ideal introduction to the Somatic Practice and Chronic Pain Network for people with chronic pain, dance and somatic practitioners, healthcare professionals and carers.
Our facilitators are comprised of dance artists, healthcare professionals, researchers and people living with chronic pain.
More info available at https://somaticandpain.coventry.domains/event-festival-of-social-science/
*The idea of snacking on movement is inspired by https://drchatterjee.com
Movement snacks facilitated by Dr. Eline Kieft (Wild Soul Centre) on 21 Oct at 12 noon, Dr. Maria Kapsali (University of Leeds) at 9.30am on 7 November and Dr. Ian Tennant (Angela Ruskin University /Thrive & Enjoy UK ) on 7 November at 12 noon. Supported by Dr. Emma Meehan and Dr. Rosa Cisneros, Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University.
We will have a BSL interpreter helping facilitate the session.
People living with chronic pain
Dance artists
Social prescribers
Healthcare workers
There will be three sessions:
Session 1, 12.00pm, 21 October
Session 2, 9.30am, 7 November
Session 3, 12.00pm, 7 November