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Pancreatic Cancer Awareness and Digital Detection Solutions

Pancreatic Cancer Awarneess

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

Are you interested in discovering more about the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, and the digital support tools available to help your GP identify them?

Join researchers from the University of Surrey and Ali Stunt, a pancreatic cancer survivor and Founder of Pancreatic Cancer Action, for this information event organised as part of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, and explore the digital support tools GPs can use to assess people’s risk of having the disease.

What’s it about?

Pancreatic cancer is the 10th most common cancer in the UK and is often only found at a late stage because the symptoms can be hard to recognise. Knowing what symptoms to look out for, and being aware of the digital support tools available to your GP, may help identify the symptoms earlier and improve the chances of treatment being successful.

The event will be led by Hugh Claridge, a Postgraduate Researcher at the University of Surrey, who is working to develop and implement a data-driven prediction algorithm and a primary care-based intervention, which will be used to identify and test people who are at an increased risk of having pancreatic cancer. 

Not only will you hear about Hugh's innovative work in this area, but you will discover more about the signs of pancreatic cancer, the existing digital tools available to GPs, and be invited to help shape the design and use of the new tool being developed at the University of Surrey to support GPs in detecting cancer earlier.

Attendees will be encouraged to give feedback during the event on their thoughts and opinions on the use and design of digital support tools to help detect cancer. Those attending will also be able to win a gift voucher.

Who’s leading the event?

Hugh Claridge, University of Surrey

Open to

We welcome members of the general public, healthcare professionals, technology developers and researchers to increase their knowledge of this important subject.

Of particular interest to

General public, healthcare professionals, researchers, technology developers