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Plastics and People: Understanding the Impact of Plastic Pollution and How You Can Make a Difference

Image of a group of workers disposing of crops.

What’s on offer?

An interactive, face-to-face event on the consequences and impacts of plastics pollution on the environment and people. Discussions on the topic will be led by researchers from the University of Hertfordshire, the University of Northampton, Kelpi, and Potentially Blue Skies Ltd.  

What’s it about?

How can you make a positive difference in the fight against plastic pollution? This event will explore how plastic waste affects our daily lives, health and communities, and will encourage you to think of this useful resource as something as some valuable, rather than disposable. Drawing on research from the Fresh Produce Impact Hub (FRESHPPACT), participants will learn how plastic pollution disrupts ecosystems, increases the negative impacts of climate change and poses risks to human health. Through an interactive booth, expert discussions, and the display of sustainable sample products, we will explore the social implications of plastic pollution and the roles that individuals and communities can play to confront it. Join us for an engaging and informative session that can help you make a difference.

Who’s leading the event?

Amin Hosseinian-Far, Professor of Systems Thinking at Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire

Open to

Public audience - all ages

Of particular interest to

The event will be of interest and useful for the general public, irrespective of age, background or profession.

Event Booking details

This will be a drop-in event, with our academic available by their information stand during these times to discuss their research