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Reclaiming your Digital Space

Coding to better understand computers

R programming language logo

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

A presentation and lesson (length to be determined) introducing the R coding language, what R tells us about how computers ‘think’, as well as a brief primer on the broader open-source movement as an act of reclaiming the digital commons and a person’s space within our digital world.

What’s it about?

A brief introduction into the world of coding, and an examination of how computers ‘think’, and why understanding how computers think can help you reclaim your space and identity in our digital world. 

Who’s leading the event?

Taylor Rockhill, PhD Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant in Development Studies

Open to

Open to all participating in the Festival. 

Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to those considering working on/around AI, interested in how computer software are developed, or interested in qualitative methodology in the social sciences