An in-person event featuring a panel debate and participatory workshop. A panel will respond to a research findings report on the lack of diversity across place-leadership in the North East of England and what this means for decision-making and our future. The remainder of the event will be a participatory workshop: an opportunity for people to think about and discuss these issues and what might be done to challenge this (future research, collaborations, influencing policy etc).
Who leads places? Who shapes our futures? Place leadership continues to be dominated by men, and ‘masculine-coded’ ways of seeing people and places. Narrow versions of history continue to shape place identity and decision making in uneven ways.
Join us for a panel discussion and workshop to hear about and respond to research findings on uneven place leadership in the North East of England.
What are your own experiences with leadership? What do you think about these research findings? Do we need make space to imagine other futures, and if so, how?
Dr Emma Ormerod, Senior Lecturer in Economic Geography
Current place leaders in the North East, which is a broad term for people who are shaping places. This includes formal political leaders, local government leaders, business leaders, large charity leaders etc) and informal leaders (community centres, small charities, youth groups, people shaping their communities etc). The event also warmly welcomes future place leaders and people who might not readily identify as a 'leader' but are often central to community place-making.