Join us for an insightful talk about the impact of social media and technology in children and young people.
Throughout the discussion, our speakers will share their expertise on how technology and social media affect young people’s development, eating behaviours and self-perceptions. Prof Julia Gillen from Lancaster University will share the findings of the ESRC project Toddlers, Tech and Talk that focuses on how the daily exposure of children under 3 years old to digital technologies influences how they speak and interact with others. Prof Emma Boyland will talk about unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children and childhood obesity in the digital age. Dr Katie Thompson will share her expertise about the use of social media and selfie-editing technologies and their impact on self-perception and body image among young people.
By attending this session, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the impact of technology and social media in children’s development to make an informed decision when allowing your children to access/use social media and technology. Join us for a stimulating conversation that sheds light into the impact of the ever-present technology.
We are gathering experts from different areas of research in social sciences to raise awareness of the impact of technology and social media use in childhood and beyond. This insightful session is aimed at parents, carers, and teachers in primary and secondary education. We hope to foster a difficult but open and inclusive conversation to support parents, carers and teachers.
Dr Katie Thompson – Lecturer in Marketing, Manchester Metropolitan University
Julia Marcet-Alonso - Marketing PhD student, University of Liverpool Management School
Karyn Darragh - Chair of FOSMA, St Martin’s Academy PTA, Chester
Parents, carers, teachers in primary and secondary education, other educators.
Parents and carers with children in primary and secondary education.
This is a hybrid session. When booking, please indicate whether you plan to attend in-person or on Zoom.