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The case for a four-day week

Book cover of The 4-Day Week Handbook on a blurred background with the LSE Events logo

What’s on offer?

A panel of researchers, trade unionists and campaigners discuss the benefits of a four-day week and practical ways to make the change. Following the talk, there will be a Q&A with questions from the in-person and online audience.

What’s it about?

In the UK, we work some of the longest hours in Europe, while having one of the least productive economies. We invented the concept of the weekend a century ago and are long overdue an update to working hours.

Around the world, rising numbers of employers worldwide are switching to a four-day week, making workers happier and organisations stronger. Research also shows that introducing a four-day week could reduce the UK's carbon footprint by 127 million tonnes per year.

You will learn how business, charities and councils can reap the benefits of smarter working. You will hear about the evidence showing the advantages of introducing a four-day week and practical ways that businesses and workers can make the change.

Who’s leading the event?

  • Fran Heathcote, trade unionist and the current General Secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union.
  • Joe Ryle, Director of the 4 Day Week Campaign and Media and Comms Lead for the think tank Autonomy.
  • Kirsten Sehnbruch, British Academy Global Professor and Distinguished Policy Fellow at LSE.
  • Chaired by Tania Burchardt, Associate Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at LSE.

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Event Booking details

This public event is free and open to all. This event will be a hybrid event, with an in-person audience and an online audience. 

For the in-person event: No ticket or pre-registration is required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.