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Uncovering the risk indicators of harmful internet use among teenagers

Teenagers looking at their phones

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

Join University of Hertfordshire researchers at this interactive display to learn about pioneering new, Europe-wide study, the BootStRaP project (Boosting Societal Adaptation and Mental Health in a Rapidly Digitalizing, Post-Pandemic Europe), aimed at addressing and reducing the risks of harmful internet use among teenagers.

What’s it about?

Adolescents are at particularly high risk for digital technology overuse, believed to have been exasperated by the COVID pandemic, and are therefore vulnerable to its potential harmful effects on mental health. Problematic usage of the internet (PUI) is thought to represent a marker of disrupted self-management, with major consequences for individual and societal health and well-being.

With this in mind, the EU-funded BootStRaP project was developed with the aim of mitigating the risks. Carrying out research across Europe using a co-created screening and assessment ‘app’, the project will closely monitor the internet usage patterns of hundreds of young people, to identify PUI behaviours that result in harm, provide unprecedented scientific knowledge on the psychological mechanisms underlying (risk for) PUI and devise strategies to tackle these issues. In addition, the project will produce a policy toolkit aimed at empowering policymakers and private companies to self-regulate with the intent to protect vulnerable groups. In the long run, BootStRaP will contribute to improving mental well-being across Europe and beyond.

Who’s leading the event?

Led by University of Hertfordshire researchers, BootStRaP brings together a multidisciplinary consortium aiming to initiate health and social policy and practice change designed to reduce the harmful effects of digitalization on mental health, particularly for young people. Herts researchers available for this event will include:

Naomi Fineberg, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Hertfordshire

Natalie Hall, Research Fellow

Open to

Public Audience

Of particular interest to

The event will be of particular interest to parents  

Event Booking details

This is a drop-in event

Scheduling information

A stand displaying information about The BootStRaP Project will be available in the Switch Off, Play On! play café from Tuesday 29th October to Saturday 2 November. Herts researchers will be available for discussions at the stand on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st October, between 12-2pm, and on Friday 1 November, between 2-3pm.

Event booking deadline