Join us for an interactive drop-in event in the Farrell Centre exploring local dialect(s) in North-East England! Expect to spend about 30 minutes at the event — plenty of time to enjoy some tea, coffee, and biscuits while you’re here. An informal activity and conversation explore attitudes and beliefs about local dialect diversity (5+ min). Challenge yourself and compete with others in a web-based game where you'll identify where speakers are from within the North-East (15-20 minutes). The top three players will receive £30, £20, or £10 high-street shopping vouchers as prizes!
Do people across the North East talk differently from one another? How so? You’ve probably got a strong idea of the answers to questions like these. This family-friendly event gives you an opportunity to explore your own attitudes about dialects in the North East in conversation with Newcastle University linguists. Afterwards, test your ability to identify local accents in a web-based game. Expect a fun challenge and see if your attitudes prove you right!
Dr. Cong Zhang, Lecturer in Phonetics and Phonology
Prof. Karen Corrigan, Professor of Linguistics and English language
Dr Daniel Duncan, Senior Lecturer in Sociolinguistics
Dr Mary Robinson, Research Associate in Language Variation and Change
Dr Lei Shi, Senior Lecturer in Computing
Everyone is welcome
Local residents with an interest in language
Drop-in possible, but priority will be given to those who sign up
The venue is admission free and offers a variety of experiences for visitors of all ages.