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Discovering the Digital Humanities

Hands on Learning and Exploration

Official University of Southampton Digital Humanities Hub logo.

Our digital lives theme

What’s on offer?

Drop in to see examples of 3D-printed projects, podcasts, VR experiences, and data feminist analyses of AI platforms. Staff from the Southampton Digital Humanities Hub will be on hand to demonstrate the equipment, explain the research behind these projects, and answer any questions you may have.  

What’s it about?

Explore the world of Digital Humanities at Southampton and discover how you can channel your interests in social justice through innovative digital tools and projects. 

Who’s leading the event?

Kirsten Schuster, Lecturer in Digital Humanities, University of Southampton and Luke Aspland, Digital Humanities Technician, University of Southampton.  

Open to


Of particular interest to

People who are interested in the intersection of Humanities and technology whether that be how to study Humanities subjects using computational method or critique the role of technology in society.  

Event Booking details

Drop-in activity only. Registration required for Hands on Humanities Day.

Scheduling information

This event is being hosted in collaboration with the University of Southampton's Hands on Humanities Day.  Find out more here.