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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Zine making: Recipes for storytelling

A person holding a Zine with the word Tender across the front

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

This workshop explores how to tell stories through zine-making. Zines are little, self-published booklets that amplify the voices of those at the margins. As zine-makers, we become caretakers: sharing tips, tools, dreams and demands-- making recipes for resistance as we go

What’s it about?

Story telling through Zine-making. 

Who’s leading the event?

Tamara Hart (she/they) is an anthropologist based in London. Their research explores visual and material narratives in mental health structures, with a focus on peer support practices. In their workshops, they use creative methods to examine visual caretaking – the crafting of self-published material to document and care for community members. Their research centres on psychiatric archives and queer zine-making practices.

They recently edited the ESRC-funded zine publication Transformation in Mental Healthcare: An Anthropological Study of Peer Supported Open-Dialogue.

They are also a contributing editor for the LGBTQI+ artist support network and curatorial platform Queerdirect.

Open to

The Event is aimed at young people of ages 13 - 18, studying English as their additional language

Of particular interest to

Schools and educational settings for young people with English as an additional language